Cuisines | Chicken |
Tags | Under 10K, Hearty, Shuttle Favorite |
Preparation Time | Prep Time 10 ~ 20 min |
At the end of a long day or a trying morning, everyone needs a mother’s touch. Remember the taste of mom’s homemade burgers and fried chicken with her secret ingredient. Mom’s Touch gives you a taste of home without groceries to get and dishes to do. Best of all, the crispy drumsticks, sweet and spicy boneless chicken, cajun chicken balls and the jalapeno burger can be in your home and on your table faster than it takes your mom to tell you why no one’s food will ever be as good as hers.
Fried Chicken Leg (1pc) + Chicken Thigh Burger (1) + Coke (1)
*16oz or can/bottle drink depending on stock availability
Fried Chicken Leg (1pc) + Chicken Thigh Burger (2) + Cajun French Fries (Small) + Coke (2)
*16oz or can/bottle drink depending on stock availability
Fried Chicken (Half) + Thigh Burger (1) + Coke (1)
*16oz or can/bottle drink depending on stock availability
Fried Chicken (Half) + Thigh Burger (2) + Cajun Fries (Small) + Coke (2)
*16oz or can/bottle drink depending on stock availability
Crispy boneless chicken stir-fried with Chinese pepper oil and Sichuan style spicy sauce
Ingredients: Country of Origin
간장마늘치킨, 알룰로스치킨, 알룰로스치킨반반_후라이드+알룰로스, 알룰로스텐더, 찜햇닭, 찜햇닭윙, 찜햇닭강정, 치파오치킨, 불사치킨, 불사텐더, 불사윙, 어니언치즈순살뿌치, 어니언치즈뿌치, 후레이크갈릭치킨, 순살치킨, 후라이드치킨, 치킨강정,케이준강정, 케이준윙, 할라피뇨너겟, 텐더로인, 휠랩, 내슈빌핫통다리, 후라이드통다리 (닭고기: 국내산)* 리얼비프버거 (로스트비프: 쇠고기 호주산)* 디럭스불고기버거, 불고기버거 (패티: 쇠고기 호주산, 돼지고기 국내산, 닭고기 국내산)* 치파오 (닭고기: 브라질산)* 치즈베이컨버거, 베이컨에그랩, 베이컨치즈감자 (베이컨: 돼지고기 미국산)* 찜햇닭, 찜햇닭강정, 찜햇닭윙 (쌀(누룽지):국내산)* 통새우버거 (패티: 새우 인도네시아산)* 언빌리버블버거, 치즈베이컨버거, 딥치즈버거, 휠렛버거, 화이트갈릭버거, 햄치즈휠렛버거 (패티:닭고기 국내산)* 살사리코버거, 인크레더블버거, 싸이버거, 불싸이버거, 할라피뇨통살버거, 내슈빌핫치킨버거, (패티:닭고기 브라질산, 태국산 섞음)* 팝콘볼 (닭고기: 국내산 태국산 섞음)* 살사리코버거, 인크레더블버거, 화이트갈릭버거, 햄치즈휠렛버거 (햄:닭고기 국내산, 돼지고기 지방일부 사용/국내산)* 팝콘만두, 매콤김떡만, 갈릭김떡만(팝콘만두: 닭고기 국내산, 돼지고기 국내산)
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At the end of a long day or a trying morning, everyone needs a mother’s touch. Remember the taste of mom’s homemade burgers and fried chicken with her secret ingredient. Mom’s Touch gives you a taste of home without groceries to get and dishes to do. Best of all, the crispy drumsticks, sweet and spicy boneless chicken, cajun chicken balls and the jalapeno burger can be in your home and on your table faster than it takes your mom to tell you why no one’s food will ever be as good as hers.
Weekday | From | To |
Monday | 11:00 AM | 10:00 PM |
Tuesday | 11:00 AM | 10:00 PM |
Wednesday | 11:00 AM | 10:00 PM |
Thursday | 11:00 AM | 10:00 PM |
Friday | 11:00 AM | 10:00 PM |
Saturday | 11:00 AM | 10:00 PM |
Sunday | 11:00 AM | 10:00 PM |
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