Cuisines | Desserts, Veg & Health |
Tags | Healthy |
Preparation Time | Prep Time 25 ~ 35 min |
Do you want the sweetest and freshest fruit, delivered to your doorstep everyday? Sweet Fruit is here for you! Order cut/non-cut according to your daily needs. We also deliver a range of dried seafood, perfect beer pairing snacks.
Ingredients: Country of Origin
바나나(필리핀) 파인애플(필리핀) 수입포도(미국,칠레) 망고(태국,브라질,페루,국내산) 수입포도(미국,칠레,호주) 자몽(남아공,미국) 오렌지(미국,호주,남아공) 수입메론(미국) 메론(국내산) 블루베리(국내산,칠레) 방울토마토 (국내산) 스테비아 토마토(국내산) 스테비아 방울토마토(국내산) 레몬(미국산) 사과(국내산) 샤인머스켓(국내산) 수박(국내산) 딸기(국내산) 글(국내산) 감(국내산) 반시(국내산) 아보카도(멕시코) 키위(국내산,뉴질랜드) 거봉(국내산) 배(국내산) 고구마 (국내산) 건어물(쥐포,숏다리,오징어치즈육포(베트남),꽃징어,장족,통족(페루),아귀포 (중국)
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Do you want the sweetest and freshest fruit, delivered to your doorstep everyday? Sweet Fruit is here for you! Order cut/non-cut according to your daily needs. We also deliver a range of dried seafood, perfect beer pairing snacks.
Weekday | From | To |
Monday | 10:00 AM | 11:00 PM |
Tuesday | 10:00 AM | 11:00 PM |
Wednesday | 10:00 AM | 11:00 PM |
Thursday | 10:00 AM | 11:00 PM |
Friday | 10:00 AM | 11:00 PM |
Saturday | 10:00 AM | 11:00 PM |
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