Cuisines | Desserts |
Tags | Under 10K, Instagram friendly |
Preparation Time | Prep Time about 20 minutes |
From Hearts cafe delivers a delightful combination of crowaffle, refreshing ades and juices, satisfying milk teas, and a tempting array of desserts. With a commitment to crafting each treat with care and love, From Hearts brings a tranquil escape to all of their customers.
American-style miniature cookie with a rich, buttery flavor and melt-in-your-mouth texture
Ingredients: Country of Origin
원두:콜롬비아,인도네시아,에티오피아/우유:국내산/휘 림:식물성혼합유지 [경화팡핵유(말레이사아산),야 아산)] /연유:국내산/슈가시렵:국내산/바닐라시렵:국내산/헤이즐시렵:국내산/초코소스:코코아분말(싱가포르산),코코아매스(네덜란드산)/카라멜소스:국내산/그래나딘시렵:말레이시아산/자몽시럽:국내산/블루큐라소시렵:말레이시아산/블루베리시럽:말레이시아산/로즈시럽:말레이시아산/녹차파우더:녹차가루(제주산7%,하동산3%)/고구마페이스트:국산50%,인도네시아산50%/민트초코파우더:코코아분말(네덜란드산),고형분(국산/애플민트20%,페퍼민트80%)/오곡파우더:혼|곡물파우더(국산)/흑임자파우더:블랙빈파우더(국내,혼합탈지분유(네덜란드산)/홍삼파우더:국내산/요거우더:국내산/바닐라파우더:식물성크림 [팡유(말레이시아산),유청분말(미국산)] /로얄밀크티파우더:홍차추출분말(국내산)/콩코물파우더:대두(중국산)/빙수떡:찹쌀가루 (국산)/팥:중국산/찹쌀떡:찹쌀(국산), 팥앙금(팥 (중국산)/아몬드:미국산/망고리플잼:망고(중국산)/바닐라아이스크림:국내산/무가당딸기:국내산/가당딸기:중국산/블루베리:미국산/애플망고:페루산/레몬청:미국산/자몽청:미국산,남아공산/유자청:국내산/생강청:국내산/대추청:국내산/대추슬라이스:중국산/아이스티:복숭아(홍차추출분말:미국산,복숭아농축액:프랑스산),레몬(홍차추출분말:미국산,레몬농축액:프랑스산)/브라운슈가베이스:갈색설탕(대만산)/타피오카:타피오카전분(대만산)/캐모마일:캐모마일꽃(크로아티아산)/루이보스:남아프리카산/페퍼민트:미국산/얼그레이:중국산/실론브렉퍼스트:스리랑카산/하동녹차:국내산/레몬마테:레몬그라스(이집트산),레몬마테(브라질산)/크로와상:크로와상생지(벨기에산)
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From Hearts cafe delivers a delightful combination of crowaffle, refreshing ades and juices, satisfying milk teas, and a tempting array of desserts. With a commitment to crafting each treat with care and love, From Hearts brings a tranquil escape to all of their customers.
Weekday | From | To |
Monday | 11:00 AM | 9:30 PM |
Tuesday | 11:00 AM | 9:30 PM |
Wednesday | 11:00 AM | 9:30 PM |
Thursday | 11:00 AM | 9:30 PM |
Friday | 11:00 AM | 9:30 PM |
Saturday | 11:00 AM | 9:30 PM |
Sunday | 11:00 AM | 9:30 PM |
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