Cuisines | Italian & Pizza |
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Preparation Time | Prep Time 20 ~ 30 min |
UKNOW PIZZA, known for its unique hand-stretched dough, offers a chewy and tender texture that remains delicious even when cool. They prepare their pizzas using direct flame cooking, enhancing the taste and aroma of their dishes. Their commitment to quality and flavor sets UKNOW PIZZA apart, presenting a class of its own in the pizza world.
Tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, onion, mushrooms, corn, smoked ham, pepperoni, Canadian ham, bacon, salami, black olives, jalapenos
Tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, onion, mushrooms, corn, smoked ham, pepperoni, Canadian ham, bacon, salami, black olives
Garlic sauce, honey, mozzarella cheese, onion, smoked ham, corn, sweet potato mousse, sweet potato, almonds, cranberries, bacon
Tomato sauce, mozzarella fries, smoked ham, bulgogi toppings, pepperoni, Canadian ham, bacon, salami
Tomato sauce, salsa, mozzarella cheese, onion, mushrooms, corn, smoked ham, shrimp, black olives
Tomato sauce, crushed red pepper, mozzarella cheese, onion, mushroom, hot chicken, shrimp, bacon
Lettuce, bell peppers, kiwi dressing, cherry tomatoes, pineapple, sliced almonds. Cranberry, cheddar, black olives
Lettuce, paprika, honey, garlic sauce, honey ricotta cheese, cherry tomatoes, sliced almonds, cranberries, cheddar cheese, black olives
Lettuce, paprika, garlic sauce, honey mustard, chicken tenders, sliced almonds, cranberries, cheddar cheese, black olives
Ingredients: Country of Origin
밀가루도우,흑미도우 : 미국,캐나다/ 씬도우 : 미국산/페페로니 : 국산 돼지고기 89% / 베이컨 : 스페인, 미국 돼지고기 69% / 카나디안 : 국산 돼지 81% / 스모크햄 : 국산.미국산.아일랜드 돼지 84% / 불고기탑핑 : 미국산, 호주산 쇠고기 65% / 살라미햄 : 국산 돼지 66%,쇠고기 28% / 웨지감자 : 미국 / 감자튀김 : 벨기에/ 모둠해물: (백합조개: 베트남),(오징에 :중국),(초록입홍합 :뉴질랜 드),(냉동새우: 인도,페루,에콰도르),(새우살:베트남) / 치 즈 자연치즈 99.5% 미국 독일 프랑스 / 체다치즈 자연치 즈 99.5 미국산 / 모짜렐라 우유 스위스 99.3%/폴드 포 크 돼지고기 72% 미국산 / 고르곤졸라 도르곤졸라치즈 99% 미국산 / 할라피뇨 : 할라피뇨 페퍼 59% 멕시코/ 옥 수수 : 옥수수 62% 태국 / 파인애플 : 파인애플 62% 필 리핀 / 올리브 : 올리브 52% 스페인/버팔로윙 닭고기 89.29% 태국산/버팔로스틱 닭고기 88.5% 태국산/치 킨텐더 닭고기 70.34% 태국산 /가라아게치킨 닭고기 71.94% 태국산/유탕고구마 고구마 95% 중국 / 새우 99.98% 중국 / 큰꼬리새우 99.29% 베트남 / 피클 국내 산 40./꿀 국내산
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UKNOW PIZZA, known for its unique hand-stretched dough, offers a chewy and tender texture that remains delicious even when cool. They prepare their pizzas using direct flame cooking, enhancing the taste and aroma of their dishes. Their commitment to quality and flavor sets UKNOW PIZZA apart, presenting a class of its own in the pizza world.
Weekday | From | To |
Monday | 11:00 AM | 10:30 PM |
Tuesday | 11:00 AM | 10:30 PM |
Thursday | 11:00 AM | 10:30 PM |
Friday | 11:00 AM | 10:30 PM |
Saturday | 11:00 AM | 10:30 PM |
Sunday | 11:00 AM | 10:30 PM |
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