Cuisines | Grocery |
Tags | Vegan, Healthy |
Delivery expected between 09.13 ~ 09.14 |
Huh!? Looks like we don't have any reviews for this place yet. Please check back in a week or so and accept our apologies for the trouble. Our tech wizards are still working on a spell to put reviews on the site. Or at least that's what they told us.
This shop delivers within 1-2 working days using standard Korean taekbae service, depending on your location. This is NOT an on-demand delivery option. Please be advised that customer support for this shop is unavailable on Saturdays and any orders placed on Saturday will be safely delivered on Sunday or Monday morning.
NUSEUM: nuseum-lab s a Korean startup that provides personalized nutrition recommendations. NUSEUM Market presents a variety of healthy foods curated on on the basis of gut microbiome science. NUSEUM Market is committed to helping people live healthier lives by providing them with the information and tools they need to make informed choices about their food.
Weekday | From | To |
Monday | 12:00 AM | 2:59 AM |
5:00 AM | 11:59 PM | |
Tuesday | 12:00 AM | 2:59 AM |
5:00 AM | 11:59 PM | |
Wednesday | 12:00 AM | 2:59 AM |
5:00 AM | 11:59 PM | |
Thursday | 12:00 AM | 2:59 AM |
5:00 AM | 11:59 PM | |
Friday | 12:00 AM | 2:59 AM |
5:00 AM | 11:59 PM | |
Saturday | 12:00 AM | 2:59 AM |
5:00 AM | 11:59 PM | |
Sunday | 12:00 AM | 2:59 AM |
5:00 AM | 11:59 PM |