Cuisines | Italian & Pizza |
Tags | Instagram friendly, Hearty |
Preparation Time | Prep Time about 15 minutes |
Eat Pizza serfves up their signature 25cm square personal pizzas, made fresh with hygiene as a priority, using extra virgin olive oil dough and a rich blend of natural cheeses, served in an open kitchen setting.
Pizza with sweet and savory bulgogi toppings and crunchy vegetable; topped with a deliciously spicy sauce
Ingredients: Country of Origin
페페로니/돼지고기(국내산,외국산 섞음) : 콤비네이션피자, 페페로니피자 미트토핑/돼지고기(국내산),소고기(호주산)섞음 :콤비네이션피자, 스위트불고기피자, 롱소시지피자, 통통새우피자, 비프스테이크피자, 핫스파이시불고기, 치즈미트오븐파스타, 치즈로제오븐파스타 불고기/돼지고기(국내산) :스위트불고기피자, 핫스파이시불고기 베이컨/돼지고기(외국산) : 더블치즈베이컨, 고베피자, 바삭포테이토베이컨피자, 바질쉬림프베이컨피자, 베이컨콘치즈, 크림오븐파스타 소시지/돼지고기(국내산,외국산섞음) : 롱소시지피자, 마라소떡피자 꿔바로우/돼지고기(미국산) : 꿔바로우, 스테이크토핑/소고기(뉴질랜드산) : 비프스테이크 핫바베큐치킨/닭고기(브라질산) : 치즈불닭피자 치킨텐더, 윙스틱/닭고기(태국산) : 치킨텐더, 윙스틱 아란치니/쌀(국내산) :아란치니
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Eat Pizza serfves up their signature 25cm square personal pizzas, made fresh with hygiene as a priority, using extra virgin olive oil dough and a rich blend of natural cheeses, served in an open kitchen setting.
Weekday | From | To |
Monday | 11:00 AM | 11:00 PM |
Tuesday | 11:00 AM | 11:00 PM |
Wednesday | 11:00 AM | 11:00 PM |
Thursday | 11:00 AM | 11:00 PM |
Friday | 11:00 AM | 11:00 PM |
Saturday | 11:00 AM | 11:00 PM |
Sunday | 11:00 AM | 11:00 PM |
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