Cuisines | Korean |
Tags | Big Portions, Hearty |
Preparation Time | Prep Time 15 ~ 30 min |
Tudari, Korea's first skewer-grill franchise, has grown steadily for 32 years thanks to their loyal customers. Since opening its first store in 1987, it has become a beloved pub, now boasting over 130 overseas locations. Enjoy the global taste of Tudari.
Ingredients: Country of Origin
닭고기[(모래집꼬치,매운통마늘모래집볶음,모래집튀김: 국내산,브라질산) / (염통꼬치, 닭껍질꼬치,매운닭껍질꼬 치,소시지베이컨말이(소시지), 닭연골튀김, 국물닭발: 국 내산)/ (민치꼬치:국내산,호주산,브라질산) / (닭산적꼬 치,치즈닭갈비, 매운닭살꼬치,크리스피치킨,마늘양념치 킨,치킨가라아게:브라질산) / (매운날개꼬치, 통닭날개 꼬치:덴마크산) / (향라치킨윙:태국산,덴마크산) / (매콤 닭발튀김, 닭발볶음. 매운닭발꼬치:국내산, 덴마크산,호주 산,스웨덴산) / (핫윙봉감자튀김,투다리빅플레이트:태국 산)], 소고기[대창전골,불고기피자:호주산], 한치(베트남 산), 김치(중국산), 돼지고기[모둠소시지,교자전골,야끼 교자,수교자, 부대찌개(프레스햄), 벌집껍데기볶음, 까스샐 러드,소시지베이컨말이:국내산) / (훈제삼겹살:독일산) / 부대찌개(스팸클래식):국내산,미국산,스페인산,캐나다 산 / 깻잎말이꼬치, 민치꼬치,팽이버섯말이, 소시지베이컨 말이,얼얼마라홍탕, 아스파라거스:국내산,독일,헝가리,스 페인,덴마크, 캐나다,오스트리아산)] / 명태[(튀김꼬치세 트:중국산) / (알탕(명란, 명태):미국산,러시아산), 알탕(곤 이):미국산, 러시아산,노르웨이산) / 촉촉노가리,먹태:러 시아산)] 꽃게(중국산),오징어(국내산, 중국산),새우살(중 국산),다랑어(원양산),쌀(국내산)
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Tudari, Korea's first skewer-grill franchise, has grown steadily for 32 years thanks to their loyal customers. Since opening its first store in 1987, it has become a beloved pub, now boasting over 130 overseas locations. Enjoy the global taste of Tudari.
Weekday | From | To |
Monday | 5:00 PM | 11:00 PM |
Tuesday | 5:00 PM | 11:00 PM |
Wednesday | 5:00 PM | 11:00 PM |
Thursday | 5:00 PM | 11:00 PM |
Friday | 5:00 PM | 11:00 PM |
Saturday | 5:00 PM | 11:00 PM |
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