Cuisines | Chicken, Italian & Pizza |
Tags | Sharing, Hearty |
Preparation Time | Prep Time 15 ~ 25 min |
Crown Hof always strives to serve the best-tasting Korean appetizers, from skewers and dried fish, to pizza and golden-fried chicken.
Whole chicken (bone-in) with radish, ketchup, seasoning sauce, salt
Chicken with a healthy rice flour coating for a savory, crispy texture
Boneless chicken 300g with radish, ketchup, seasoning sauce, salt
Boneless chicken with a healthy rice flour coating for a savory, crispy texture
Whole chicken (bone-in) with radish and ketchup
Chicken with fried whole garlic mixed in a sweet garlic sauce
Boneless chicken 300g with radish and ketchup
Boneless chicken with fried whole garlic mixed in a sweet garlic sauce
Whole chicken (bone-in) with radish and peppers
Chicken with crispy and spicy soy sauce, paired with fried shishito peppers
Boneless chicken 300g with radish and peppers
Boneless chicken with crispy and spicy soy sauce, paired with pungent fried shishito peppers
Whole chicken (bone-in) with radish and ketchup
Chicken with crispy rice-batter coating; mixed with a sweet and savory rib sauce
Boneless chicken 300g with radish and ketchup
Boneless chicken with crispy rice-batter coating; mixed with a sweet and savory rib sauce
Gorgonzola pizza with acacia honey and pickles on the side
Fresh dough Italian thin crust pizza with gorgonzola, creamy sauce and 100% natural cheese
Pepperoni pizza with pickles on the side
Fresh dough Italian thin crust pizza baked with authentic tomato sauce from the once-a-year harvest in the Romagna region of Italy and topped with salty pepperoni
Army stew (budaejjigae) with original sausages and a rich, spicy, and savory red broth; comes with a half-serving of ramen noodles
Spicy seafood noodle soup packed with a generous serving of seafood; comes with a half-serving of udon
Udon with spicy kimchi and fish cakes, featuring a clear and flavorful broth; comes with a half-serving of udon
Ingredients: Country of Origin
쌀통닭(닭고기:국내산) 순살치킨(닭고기:브라질산) 콤비 네이션(페스츄리)피자(돼지고기:국내산, 돼지고기:외국 산(스페인,미국,브라질 등)) 페페로니(페스츄리)피자(돼 지고기:국내산) 포테이토(페스츄리)피자(돼지고기: 외국 산(스페인, 미국, 브라질 등)) 마라해물짬뽕탕(오징어:중 국산, 꽃게:중국산) 김치어묵우동(김치(배추):중국산, 고 추가루:중국산, 어육:중국산) 백합조개탕(대두:외국산(미 국,호주, 캐나다)) 불맛해물짬뽕탕(오징어:중국산, 꽃게:중 국산) 빨간꼬치어묵(어육:베트남산,인도산,중국산) 크라 운어묵탕(어육:일본산, 어육:중국산, 베트남산) 크라운부 대찌개(돼지고기:국내산, 미국산, 소고기:호주산, 김치(배 추):중국산, 고추가루:중국산, 콩: 이탈리아산, 중국산) 치 즈불짜파게티(닭고기:국내산, 돼지고기: 국내산, 어육:베 트남산,인도산, 중국산) 모래집볶음(닭고기:브라질산) 칠 리치즈쏘야(닭고기:국내산,돼지고기:국내산) 매콤오돌뼈 (돼지고기:국내산, 쌀:국내산) 숯불무뼈닭발(닭고기:국내 산) 수제오징어입튀김(오징어:중국산) 연골똥집튀김(닭 고기:국내산) 소복유린기(닭고기:브라질산) 슈바인학센 (돼지고기:독일산) 골뱅쫄면(진미채: 페루산) 모둠소세지 &감자튀김(돼지고기:국내산) 오지치즈후라이(돼지고기: 외국산(스페인,미국,브라질 등)) 케이준치킨샐러드(닭고 기:태국산) 경양식돈까스(돼지고기:국내산) 핫로제떡볶 이(닭고기:국내산, 돼지고기:국내산, 어육: 베트남산,인도 산,중국산) 매콤국물떡볶이(어육:베트남산,인도산,중국 산) 어묵깡(어육: 베트남산) 쥐포튀김(어육:베트남산) K 사닭껍질튀김(닭고기:국내산) 김스낵[불닭,현미](쌀:국내 산) 모둠꼬치(닭고기:브라질산, 닭고기: 태국산) 닭파산적 꼬치(닭고기:브라질산) 염통꼬치(닭고기: 태국산) 닭목살 꼬치(닭고기:태국산) 보들이먹태(명태:러시아산) 아귀포 (아귀:중국산) 반건오징어(오징어:국내산) C사버터구이 오다리(오징어:베트남산) 왕문어다리(오징어: 페루산) 미 니노가리(노가리:중국산) 즉석밥(쌀:국내산)
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Crown Hof always strives to serve the best-tasting Korean appetizers, from skewers and dried fish, to pizza and golden-fried chicken.
Weekday | From | To |
Monday | 4:00 PM | 11:00 PM |
Tuesday | 4:00 PM | 11:00 PM |
Wednesday | 4:00 PM | 11:00 PM |
Thursday | 4:00 PM | 11:00 PM |
Friday | 4:00 PM | 11:00 PM |
Saturday | 4:00 PM | 11:00 PM |
Sunday | 4:00 PM | 11:00 PM |
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