Cuisines | Italian & Pizza |
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Preparation Time | Prep Time about 20 minutes |
Shuttle Concierge deliveries are placed on your behalf with a third party platform and service. We will select the best available restaurant in your area to complete your order request. Deliveries typically require about an hour, depending on your address and location. *All orders placed are final, and unfortunately NO cancellation requests can be honored.
Thin flat bread topped with prosciutto, cherry tomatoes, radicchio, rucola, and various vegetables with white wine vinegar and balsamic cream
Ingredients: Country of Origin
크리스피 치킨 샐러드[양념육:태국산], 버팔로윙&프렌치프라이[양념육(닭고기):태국산], ,해산물 토마토 스파게티[기타수산물가공품(오징어:국내산)/주꾸미:베트남산)], 해산물 치오피노 스파게티[기타수산물가공품(오징어:국내산)/주꾸미:베트남산],, 로얄 까르보나라 스파게티[베이컨류:미국산], 스테이크 트러플 크림 파스타[쇠고기:미국산],갈비 리조또[쌀:국내산/양념육(돼지고기(목살):캐나다산,돼지고기(갈비뼈):미국산]비프 스테이크 박스[즉석조리식품(쌀:국내산)/쇠고기:미국산], 부채살 스테이크[쇠고기:미국산], 채끝등심 스테이크[양념육(쇠고기:호주산)], 안심 스테이크[양념육(쇠고기:호주산)], BBQ폭립 플래터[양념육(돼지고기:프랑스산)],아보카도 카프레제 샐러드[양념육(닭고기:국내산)],해산물 토마토 리조또[쌀:국내산/오징어:국내산/주꾸미:베트남산], 에그시저샐러드[양념육(닭고기:국내산)/베이컨류:미국산],트러플크림버섯리조또[쌀:국내산/쇠고기:미국산과호주산을섞음],티본스테이크[쇠고기:미국산],에그&베이컨플랫피자[베이컨류:미국산],프레쉬그리너리플랫피자[생햄;이탈리아산],함박 트러플 크림 파스타[분쇄가공육(쇠고기:호주산과 미국산을 섞음)], 모짜렐라 치킨 그라탕[닭고기:국내산/즉석조리식품(쌀:국내산)]
Huh!? Looks like we don't have any reviews for this place yet. Please check back in a week or so and accept our apologies for the trouble. Our tech wizards are still working on a spell to put reviews on the site. Or at least that's what they told us.
Shuttle Concierge deliveries are placed on your behalf with a third party platform and service. We will select the best available restaurant in your area to complete your order request. Deliveries typically require about an hour, depending on your address and location. *All orders placed are final, and unfortunately NO cancellation requests can be honored.
Weekday | From | To |
Monday | 11:00 AM | 8:00 PM |
Tuesday | 11:00 AM | 8:00 PM |
Wednesday | 11:00 AM | 8:00 PM |
Thursday | 11:00 AM | 8:00 PM |
Friday | 11:00 AM | 8:00 PM |
Saturday | 11:00 AM | 8:00 PM |
Sunday | 11:00 AM | 8:00 PM |
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