Cuisines | Italian & Pizza |
Tags | Sharing, Under 10K |
Preparation Time | Prep Time about 20 minutes |
Shuttle Concierge deliveries are placed on your behalf with a third party platform and service. We will select the best available restaurant in your area to complete your order request. Deliveries typically require about an hour, depending on your address and location. *All orders placed are final, and unfortunately NO cancellation requests can be honored.
Ingredients: Country of Origin
페퍼로니피자/페파로니(쇠고기:호주산 돼지고기: 국내 산과 외국산을 섞음)콤비네이션피자 / 페파로니(쇠고기: 호주산 돼지고기:국내산과 외국산을 섞음) 뉴포크탑핑 (돼지고기:외국산과 국내산을 섞음)포테이토피자 / 베이 컨(돼지고기: 외국산)핫치킨피자 / 핫앤스위트치킨(닭고 기:국내산)불고기피자 / 불고기프리미엄II(쇠고기:호주 산)나폴리피자 / 페파로니(쇠고기:호주산 돼지고기:국내 산과 외국산을 섞음) 미니카나디안(돼지고기:외국산과 국내산을 섞음)스테이크피자 / 비프스테이크II(쇠고기: 호주산)까르보네피자 / 로인햄(돼지고기:국내산)깐쇼새 우피자 / 베이컨(돼지고기:외국산)직화파인애플피자/ 페파로니(쇠고기:호주산 돼지고기: 국내산과 외국산을 섞 음) 직화불고기(돼지고기:미국산)닭안심살피자 / 케이준 치킨텐더(닭고기:국내산)멕시칸바이트피자 / 핫바베큐 치킨(닭고기:브라질산)직화홀릭바이트피자 / 직화불고 기(돼지고기: 미국산)도이치바이트피자 / 세블락소시지 (돼지고기: 외국산과 국내산을 섞음)비프퀘사디아피자/ 타코불고기(쇠고기:호주산)치킨퀘사디아피자 / 핫앤스 위트치킨(닭고기:국내산)더블갈릭바베큐피자 / 스모키 바베큐(돼지고기: 미국산)허니비프피자 / 허니비프스테 이크(쇠고기:호주산)트러플버팔로피자 / 미니카나디안 (돼지고기:외국산과 국내산을 섞음)치즈오븐스파게티 / 스파게티소스(쇠고기:호주산)치킨스틱&윙 / 닭고기: 태 국산오븐구이통닭/닭고기:국내산치킨텐더 / 케이준치 킨텐더(닭고기:국내산)
Huh!? Looks like we don't have any reviews for this place yet. Please check back in a week or so and accept our apologies for the trouble. Our tech wizards are still working on a spell to put reviews on the site. Or at least that's what they told us.
Shuttle Concierge deliveries are placed on your behalf with a third party platform and service. We will select the best available restaurant in your area to complete your order request. Deliveries typically require about an hour, depending on your address and location. *All orders placed are final, and unfortunately NO cancellation requests can be honored.
Weekday | From | To |
Monday | 11:00 AM | 9:50 PM |
Tuesday | 11:00 AM | 9:50 PM |
Wednesday | 11:00 AM | 9:50 PM |
Thursday | 11:00 AM | 9:50 PM |
Friday | 11:00 AM | 9:50 PM |
Saturday | 11:00 AM | 9:50 PM |
Sunday | 11:00 AM | 9:50 PM |
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