Cuisines | Korean |
Tags | Big Portions, Hearty, New Spot |
Preparation Time | Prep Time about 20 minutes |
Shuttle Concierge deliveries are placed on your behalf with a third party platform and service. We will select the best available restaurant in your area to complete your order request. Deliveries typically require about an hour, depending on your address and location. *All orders placed are final, and unfortunately NO cancellation requests can be honored.
Malatang with a bewildering flavor that never gets tiring no matter how much you eat
A symphony of mala aroma and fiery flavors, with unparalleled addictiveness Includes: Beef + Bean Sprouts + Chinese Glass Noodles + Vienna Sausages (4) + Fish Balls (4) + Dried Tofu + Bean Curd Sheets + Bok Choy + Baby Cabbage + Enoki Mushrooms + King Oyster Mushrooms + Oyster Mushrooms + 1 serving of steamed rice (Includes Cilantro)
Sweet and sour pork that is fried immediately upon order; Texture may vary with delivery time
Ingredients: Country of Origin
마라탕/마라샹궈 (소고기:호주산,미국산 섞음,양고기: 호주산, 야채류:국내산,연근, 표고버섯,목이버섯,은이버섯:중국산, 실당면, 중국당면, 감자당면,연근분모자, 분모자, 뉴진면,납작분모자, 옥수수면:중국산, 건두부, 얼린두부, 푸주, 두부피:중국산,두부튀김: 미국산, 두부모양피쉬볼(동방실꼬리돔:태국산), 문어피쉬볼, 생선모양피쉬볼,날치알 피쉬볼, 구름두부볼:중국산, 유부(대두: 외국산)새우:베트남산, 메추리알:국내산, 비엔나소세지(닭고기: 국내산), 옥수수소세지(닭고기:국내산, 돼지고기: 국내산, 옥수수콘: 태국산)스모크햄(닭고기:국내산,돼지고기:국내산)치즈떡(쌀가루: 외국산, 치즈(모짜렐라치즈:외국산), 게맛살(연육:외국산), 고구마떡(쌀가루:외국산,고구마:인도네시아산),어묵(냉동연육: 외국산,밀:미국, 호주산), 라면사리(밀:미국산, 호주산)꿔바로우 (등심:국내산),양저우볶음밥 (쌀:외국산,양파:국내산)공기밥 (쌀: 국내산, 미국산 섞음)
Huh!? Looks like we don't have any reviews for this place yet. Please check back in a week or so and accept our apologies for the trouble. Our tech wizards are still working on a spell to put reviews on the site. Or at least that's what they told us.
Shuttle Concierge deliveries are placed on your behalf with a third party platform and service. We will select the best available restaurant in your area to complete your order request. Deliveries typically require about an hour, depending on your address and location. *All orders placed are final, and unfortunately NO cancellation requests can be honored.
Weekday | From | To |
Monday | 10:00 AM | 9:00 PM |
Tuesday | 10:00 AM | 9:00 PM |
Wednesday | 10:00 AM | 9:00 PM |
Thursday | 10:00 AM | 9:00 PM |
Friday | 10:00 AM | 9:00 PM |
Saturday | 10:00 AM | 9:00 PM |
Sunday | 10:00 AM | 9:00 PM |
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