Cuisines | Desserts |
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Preparation Time | Prep Time 20 ~ 30 min |
Discover a world of flavors at Baskin Robbins 31. Choose from a delightful array of 31 ice creams that are sure to satisfy your sweet tooth.
Chocolate Mousse, Cherry Jubilee, Shooting Star, Very Berry Strawberry, Almond Bonbon, 31 Yogurt, Cookies & Cream, Mom is an Alien, Blueberry Cheesecake (Please note the cake decorations change periodically. The actual cake may be different than pictured.)
Cherry Jubilee, Shooting Star, Very Berry Strawberry, Almond Bonbon, Cotton Candy In Wonderland, Puss in Boots, Blueberry Cheesecake
Cherries Jubilee, New York Cheesecake, Shooting Star, Mint Chocolate Chip, Very Berry Strawberry, Almond Bonbon, Cookie & Cream, Blueberry Cheesecake
Chocolate, Mint Chocolate Chip, Very Berry Strawberry, Almond Bonbon, Cookie & Cream, Mom Is An Alien, Blueberry Cheesecake, Triple Chocolate
New York Cheesecake, Chocolate Chips, Rainbow Sherbet, Apple Mint, Mint Chocolate Chips, Very Berry Strawberry, Almond Bonbon, Cookie & Cream, Cotton Candy In Wonderland, Mom Is An Alien, Cotton Candy, Triple Chocolate
Rainbow Sherbet, Cherry, Triple Chocolate, Very Very Strawberry, Puss in Boots, Mint Chocolate Chip, Mint, Cotton Candy, Cookies & Cream, Shooting Star
Puss-in-Boots, Shooting Star, Very Very Strawberry, Rainbow Sherbet, New York Cheese Cake / Cookies & Cream, 31 Yogurt / Cherry Jubilee
Very Berry Strawberry, Rainbow Sherbet, New York Cheese Cake Cookies & Cream, Almond Bon Bon Chocolate Mousse, Puss-in-Boots, 31 Yogurt Cherry Jubilee
Chocolate Vanilla, Melon Vanilla, Chocolate, Very Very Strawberry, Chocolate, Shooting Star, Cotton Candy In Wonderland, Cookies & Cream, Puss-in-Boots
Choco Vanilla, Melon Vanilla, Cherry, Chocolate, Cotton Candy, Puss-in-Boots, Mint Chocolate Chip, Almond Bon Bon, 31 Yogurt, Cookies & Cream, Cotton Candy in Wonderland, Triple Chocolate
Mint Chocolate Chip, Puss in Boots, Very Berry Strawberry, Cherry Jubilee, Rainbow Sherbet, Chocolate, Cherry, Triple Chocolate, Cotton Candy, Banana, Mint, Almond Bon Bon
Cotton Candy in Wonderland, Cherry Jubilee, Almond Bon Bon, Rainbow Sherbet, Shooting Star, Mint Choco Chip, Cheesecake, Puss in Boots
Vanilla, Very Very Strawberry, Puss in Boots, Almond Bon Bon, Cookies & Cream, Cherry Jubilee, Rainbow Sherbet
Baskin-Robbins' signature ice cream dessert, filled with rich cream cheese ice cream inside a soft, chewy sticky rice cake
Iced cookie sandwich with sweet vanilla ice cream sandwiched between chocolate cookies
Chewy rice cake dessert filled with vanilla ice cream, chocolate ribbons, and chocolate almonds
Ingredients: Country of Origin
(아이스크림) ○민트초콜릿칩:유크림/네덜란드산, 혼합분유/네덜란드산, 초콜릿/미국산○피스타치오아몬드:유크림/이탈리아산,볶음아몬드반태(아몬드100%/미국산),혼합분유/네덜란드산,천연향료(피스타치오향)/미국산○초콜릿무스:유크림/뉴질랜드산,엔디에이초코후레바후레이크/미국산,혼합분유/네덜란드산○체리쥬빌레:유크림/이탈리아산,마젠타체리/미국산,혼합분유/네덜란드산○그린티:유크림/국산,혼합분유/네덜란드산,가루녹차(녹차100%/국산)○초콜릿:유크림/뉴질랜드산,혼합분유/네덜란드산,올드더치그랜뉼(기타코코아가공품)/미국산,다크코코아(코코아분말)/미국산○31요거트:유크림/국산,탈지분유/국산,동결건조유산균/덴마크산○베리베리스트로베리:유크림/이탈리아산,스트로우베리스테빌라이저/미국산,혼합분유/네덜란드산,스트로우베리후르츠베이스/미국산○바닐라:유크림/이탈리아산,혼합분유/네덜란드산○슈팅스타:유크림/네덜란드산, 체리리본(체리퓨레1/폴란드산, 체리퓨레2/벨기에산), 블루팝핑[팝핑캔디/중국산, 스위트블루(가공유지/싱가포르산)]○레인보우샤베트:유크림/이탈리아산,파인애플퓨레스트레인드/미국산,혼합분유/네덜란드산○바람과함께사라지다:유크림/네덜란드산, 치즈케익피스(크림치즈/호주산, 우유/국산), 블루베리 리본/미국산, 딸기리본[딸기퓨레(딸기/국산), 딸기농축액/이스라엘산]○엄마는외계인:유크림/뉴질랜드산,혼합분유/네덜란드산,카라멜프레첼밀크/미국산○사랑에빠진딸기:유크림/뉴질랜드산,스트로우베리스테빌라이저/미국산,치즈케익피스(크림치즈/호주산,우유/국산)○뉴욕치즈케이크:유크림/이탈리아산,오일코티드그라함/미국산,혼합분유/네덜란드산○이상한나라의솜사탕:유크림/뉴질랜드산, 혼합분유/네덜란드산, 옐로우크런치[옐로우후레이크(야자유/말레이시아산), 탄산캔디/중국산], 핑크크런치[핑크크런치후레이크(야자유/말레이시아산), 탄산캔디/중국산]○초코나무숲:유크림/뉴질랜드산,혼합분유/네덜란드산,TFF쿠키스위드크림/미국산○쫀떡궁합:유크림/뉴질랜드산,떡리본[찰옥수수전분(찰옥수수/미국산),찹쌀가루(찹쌀/국내산)],혼합분유/네덜란드산○아빠는딸바봉:유크림/이탈리아산,딸기향프레첼볼(카라멜프레첼밀크/미국산,야자유/말레이시아산),혼합분유/네덜란드산○메이플월넛:유크림/이탈리아산,혼합분유/네덜란드산,메이플호두(호두/미국산)○망고탱고:유크림/이탈리아산,망고리본(알폰소망고퓨레/인도산),망고베이스(알폰소망고퓨레/인도산)○오레오쿠키앤크림:유크림/이탈리아산,오레오분쇄쿠키[밀가루(밀/미국산),식물성유지(팜스테아린유/말레이시아산)],혼합분유/네덜란드산○워싱턴블루베리쥬빌레:유크림/이탈리아산,소프트앤프로즌블루베리/미국산,혼합분유/네덜란드산,블루베리페이스트(블루베리/미국산)○아몬드봉봉봉:유크림/이탈리아산, 초콜릿아몬드[밀크향초콜릿(정제야자유/말레이시아산), 아몬드/미국산], 혼합분유/네덜란드산○블랙소르베:레이지라임주스/이탈리아산○레드라즈베리소르베:라즈베리퓨레[라즈베리퓨레(냉동라즈베리퓨레/칠레산),라임주스(라임주스/멕시코산),라즈베리농축액/대만산],과채가공품/네덜란드산○북극곰폴라베어:유크림/이탈리아산, 혼합분유/네덜란드산, 화이트민트향크런치[화이트민트향후레이크(야자유/말레이시아산), 탄산캔디/중국산]○골든애플요거트:딸기리본[딸기퓨레(딸기/국산), 딸기농축액/이스라엘산], 사과다이스시럽(가당사과/국산), 사과퓨레시럽(가당사과/국산)○슈퍼펭귄시리얼:유크림/스페인산, 콘 후레이크 베리게이트/미국산, 혼합분유/네덜란드산○매시업스시리얼:유크림/이탈리아산 76%, 뉴질랜드산 24%, 혼합분유/네덜란드산, 초코코팅 첵스[준초콜릿/싱가포르산, 첵스초코(옥수수가루/인도산)]○미찐감자:유크림/이탈리아산, 혼합분유/네덜란드산, 감자베이스[증숙감자(감자/국산), 가공유크림/스페인산], 감자볼「감자맛씨즈닝[감자맛분말{감자추출물(감자전분/국산)}], 감자향미유(감자/국산)」○아이스호떡:유크림/이탈리아산, 호떡맛리본[아몬드페이스트{아몬드페이스트(아몬드/미국산)}, 감자전분(감자/국산)], 혼합분유/네덜란드산○아이스붕어빵:유크림/네덜란드산, 팥리본[빙수팥{당침팥(팥/중국산)}, 감귤류추출물/브라질산], 혼합분유/네덜란드산○마법사의할로윈:유크림/이탈리아산, 레드
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Discover a world of flavors at Baskin Robbins 31. Choose from a delightful array of 31 ice creams that are sure to satisfy your sweet tooth.
Weekday | From | To |
Monday | 11:00 AM | 10:00 PM |
Tuesday | 11:00 AM | 10:00 PM |
Wednesday | 11:00 AM | 10:00 PM |
Thursday | 11:00 AM | 10:00 PM |
Friday | 11:00 AM | 10:00 PM |
Saturday | 11:00 AM | 10:00 PM |
Sunday | 11:00 AM | 9:50 PM |
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