Cuisines | Chicken, American & Grill |
Tags | Under 10K, Hearty |
Preparation Time | Prep Time about 20 minutes |
Craving comfort? Mom's Touch delivers the taste of home with homemade burgers, crispy drumsticks, and flavorful fried Cajun chicken.
Thick chicken thigh, whole bacon, BBQ sauce, deep cheese sauce, dill pickle sauce, and three kinds of signature sauces
Spicy harmony of chicken thigh / breast with jalapeno, fresh veggies and sweet burger sauce
Special shrimp burger with a chili tomato sauce that captures the flavors of fresh shrimp
Maximized flavor from the juiciness of the thick beef patty and the sweetness of the steak-flavored sauce
Boneless chicken stir-fried with chili oil, flavored with spring onion and black sesame flavors
Ingredients: Country of Origin
휠렛버거 (닭고기 :국내산),햄치즈휠렛버거 (닭고기 :국내산),화이트갈릭버거 (닭고기 :국내산),치즈베이컨버거 (닭고기 :국내산),싸이버거 (닭고기 :브라질산),인크레더블버거 (닭고기 :브라질산),언빌리버블버거 (쉬림프강정 : 새우 베트남산, 닭고기 :국내산),싸이플렉스버거 (닭고기 :브라질산),딥치즈버거 (닭고기 :국내산),후라이드닭다리 (닭고기 :국내산),양념치킨 (닭고기 :국내산),순살치킨 (닭고기 :국내산),치파오치킨 (닭고기 :국내산),간장마늘치킨 (닭고기 :국내산),반반치킨 (닭고기 :국내산),슬라이스햄 (돼지고기:국내산 외국산 섞음),통새우버거 (패티 :새우 인도네시아산),불고기버거 (패티 : 우육 호주산, 돈육 국내산, 닭고기 국내산),치파오강정 (닭고기 : 브라질산),케이준강정 (닭고기 : 브라질산),간장마늘강정 (닭고기 : 브라질산), 휠랩 (닭고기 : 국내산), 할라페뇨치킨너겟 (닭고기 : 국내산),
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Craving comfort? Mom's Touch delivers the taste of home with homemade burgers, crispy drumsticks, and flavorful fried Cajun chicken.
Weekday | From | To |
Monday | 11:00 AM | 9:30 PM |
Tuesday | 11:00 AM | 9:30 PM |
Wednesday | 11:00 AM | 9:30 PM |
Thursday | 11:00 AM | 9:30 PM |
Friday | 11:00 AM | 9:30 PM |
Saturday | 11:00 AM | 9:30 PM |
Sunday | 11:00 AM | 9:30 PM |
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