Cuisines | American & Grill, Veg & Health |
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Preparation Time | Prep Time 20 ~ 40 min |
MK Catering & Cafe creates fresh sandwiches made with organic vegetables that they farm themselves.
Ingredients: Country of Origin
크로아상(프랑스), 치아바타(프랑스), 채소(국내산), 치킨류(태국), 베이컨류(미국산), 치즈(미국산), 토마토(국내산), 상추(국내산), 칠면조육(칠레, 미국, 헝가리등), 유기농 통밀가루(미국산), 아보카도(페루), 햄(미국, 아일랜드, 스페인등), 원두(에디오피아, 과테말라), 견과류(미국산), 계란(국내산)
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MK Catering & Cafe creates fresh sandwiches made with organic vegetables that they farm themselves.
Weekday | From | To |
Monday | 10:00 AM | 9:00 PM |
Tuesday | 10:00 AM | 9:00 PM |
Wednesday | 10:00 AM | 9:00 PM |
Thursday | 10:00 AM | 9:00 PM |
Friday | 10:00 AM | 9:00 PM |
Saturday | 10:00 AM | 9:00 PM |
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