Cuisines | American & Grill, Veg & Health |
Tags | Vegan, Healthy |
Preparation Time | Prep Time about 20 minutes |
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Enjoy a meal made with fresh ingredients. The fresh vegetable toppings and one-of-a-kind dressing combine to make a nutritious and wholesome meal. Junia also serves delicious sandwiches and wraps made with grilled Focaccia bread, tomato, artisanal cheese, and farm-fresh vegetables.
Weekday | From | To |
Monday | 11:00 AM | 2:30 PM |
5:30 PM | 8:00 PM | |
Tuesday | 11:00 AM | 2:30 PM |
5:30 PM | 8:00 PM | |
Wednesday | 11:00 AM | 2:30 PM |
5:30 PM | 8:00 PM | |
Thursday | 11:00 AM | 2:30 PM |
5:30 PM | 8:00 PM | |
Friday | 11:00 AM | 2:30 PM |
5:30 PM | 8:00 PM |